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Resilience levels in Business Radio Systems

PCE commits to new code of practice which enables the purchase of resilient radio communication equipment making it more accessible for the end user.

Premier Communication Electronics (PCE) has worked with the Federation of Communication Services (FCS), the industry association for communication services sector, on producing a set of guidelines to support those wishing to purchase a “resilient” radio communication system.

A resilient system is one that works so reliably that we rarely have to think about it. Resilient systems are part of our daily existence and we only begin to think (and complain) about these when system failures happen. A resilient radio communication system is one that meets an organisations appropriate level of need for their operational requirements.

The FCS 5-Level Resilience Assessment Scheme provides a working solution to those needing to purchase radio communications equipment and offers criteria to help them decide which level of resilience is required. The guidelines help the purchasing professional to ask the right questions prior and during the purchasing process to make sure they fully support their organisations’ operational requirements at the most economical cost. Meeting the appropriate level of resilience proves mutually beneficial for both parties; it allows the purchaser to provide a clear and correct brief and avoid unnecessary costs and allows the radio reseller to provide an efficient service that meets the end users’ values and requirements.

As well as a solid set of criteria, the Resilience Assessment Scheme sets apart the reputable radio resellers, like PCE, who work with these guidelines on a daily basis and are happy to share this information with the end user.

Karen Langley, PCE’s Chief Executive Officer, and Business Radio Council representative at the FCS said: “We’re so pleased these important guidelines are now in public domain. Having contributed to them with my colleagues on the Business Radio Council I know they’ll make a big difference to those purchasing radio equipment and resellers like PCE. We’re keen to make the purchasing process as transparent as possible and following these guidelines will offer our customers the confidence we have met their expectations”.

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